It’s with huge regret that we have to announce the cancellation of several of our forthcoming gigs. Steve G., our frontman, lead singer and indispensable part of the band has been taken ill with severe pneumonia and is currently languishing in Derriford hospital.

The latest update is that he will remain at Derriford Hospital until he can maintain his stats without additional oxygen. This is likely to be the weekend at the earliest.
The following dates have been cancelled …
Wednesday 16th August – Fowey Regatta
Wednesday 16th August – Looe Busk Til Dusk
Saturday 19th August – Perranporth Memorial Hall
A decision on 1st and 2nd September and beyond will be made as soon as possible pending medical advice.
Meanwhile we wish Steve a comfortable time in hospital, and a speedy recovery and our apologies to you for any disappointment caused.