Our efforts to try and create even just a few Covid-friendly social distanced gigs with limited numbers has been in vain. Sadly all possible bookings up to the beginning of June have now been cancelled or postponed and whilst it’s no great surprise, it’s still disappointing. The Masked Crusaders (yes, it was us all along!) will ride no more.

Our next live performances will hopefully be on the 29th May back at The Acorn Theatre in Penzance and then on the 18th June at Sterts Theatre near Liskeard and will be part of our “River Rolls On 2021 Concert Tour” to promote the release of our “difficult second album” which has, in the current circumstances, proved more difficult that imagined. We will be doing our level best to have the new CD ready as soon as we are able to get together.
In the mean time, we’ll keep putting stuff out on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now TikTok to keep you entertained (or at least distracted!).