We’re delighted to announce that we are officially ‘popular’! Up until the recent launch of our website our main means of informing people of what we are up to was via social media, in particular, Facebook. We have been watching eagerly to see our number of ‘likes’ break the 1000 barrier and whilst it doesn’t really change anything, it’s nice to know that our popularity is on the up. One of our latest ‘fans’ is Adrian Jones who quite fortuitously happened to be the 1000th ‘liker’ has won himself a copy of our debut CD, “Trees On The Hill” which may look small in the photo but is packed with all our recorded material to date. You can listen to extracts or download/stream the songs at www.thecountrymen.co.uk/music or cut straight to the chase and buy the CD at www.thecountrymen.co.uk/shop! #cornishfolk #cornishmusic #treesonthehill